專任講師【 通識組】 姓名: 雷若琬 |
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學歷 |
美國賓州印地安那大學 英語寫作與英語教學 |
博士 |
國立清華大學外文所文學組 |
碩士 |
實務及教學經歷 |
仁德醫護管理專科學校護理科 |
專任講師 |
仁德醫護管理專科學校語言中心 |
專任講師 |
專業證照 |
觀光餐旅專業英文 |
甲級 |
觀光餐旅客戶關係管理管理師 |
甲級 |
觀光餐旅人力資源管理師 |
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觀光餐旅消費者行為管理師 |
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校內外學術服務 |
校 內 |
技術合作處主任 |
主任 |
校 外 |
研究成果 |
學位論文 |
博士論文: Lei, R. W. (2012). A Case Study of a Taiwanese Teachers’ Group Exploring Narrative Pedagogy, Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA. 碩士論文: Lei, R. W. (2002). The “Space Between”: Negotiations of Gender, Race and Class in The Grass Is Singing, M.A. thesis, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. |
期刊論文 |
Lei, R.W. (2014). A case study of Taiwanese college teachers’ group exploring narrative pedagogy. Asian ESP Journal, Special Issue. (pp.34-71). |
會議及研討會論文 |
1. Conference: 2013 International Conference on Applied Foreign Languages Date: May 23-24 Venue: NationalKaohsiungUniversity of Hospitality and Tourism Presenter: Ruo-Wan Lei Title: A college teachers’ study group on teaching (re)writing storytelling 2. Conference: The 30th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R. O. C. Date: May 18-19, 2013 Venue: NationalChengKungUniversity Presenter: Ruo-Wan Lei Title: Digging out the factors which stand in the way of teaching Taiwanese college students narrative writing 3. Conference: Doctoral Forum in 45th Annual TESOL Convention. (poster session) Date: March, 2011 Venue: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Presenter: Ruo-Wan lei Title: A Case Study of a Taiwanese Teacher’s Group Exploring Narrative Pedagogy 4. Conference: 2010 Three Rivers TESOL Conference. (poster session) Date: October, 2010 Venue: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Presenter: Ruo-Wan Lei Title: Is There Such a Thing as “Standard English Writing” ---the possibility of Chinglish as the variety of World Englishes. |
專書及譯書 |
2006《人類發展學》(合譯本),滄海書局。 |
任 教 科 目 |
英文 I |
2學分 |
英文 V |
6學分 |
研 究 計 畫 |