專任助理教授【通識組】 李明茹 |
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學歷 |
國立中央大學數學系 |
理學士 |
國立中央大學數學研究所 |
碩士 |
國立中央大學數學研究所 |
博士 |
實務及教學經歷 |
國立中央大學數學系 |
助教 |
私立清華綜合高中 |
教師 |
仁德護校 |
教師 |
仁德護專 |
講師 |
仁德護專 |
助理教授 |
研究成果 |
學位論文 |
碩士論文指導教授: 林強 完全二部圖、皇冠圖、完全圖的雙星分解 |
博士論文指導教授: 林強 Path, cycle and star decompositions of graphs |
期刊論文 |
(1)Ming-ju Lee, Chiang Lin*, A Note on Star Arboricity of Crowns, ARS Combinatoria 88(2008), pp.333-334.(SCI) |
(2)Hung-Chih Lee*, Ming-ju Lee, Chiang Lin, Isomorphic path decompositions of for odd ,Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Vol.13, No.2A, pp.393-402, April, 2009.(SCI) |
(3)Hung-Chih Lee, Ming-ju Lee*, Chiang Lin, The Caterpillar Factorization of Crowns, ARS Combinatoria 95(2010), pp.247-255.(SCI) |
(4)Ming-ju Lee*, Meng-kuang Kuo, Ying-ren Chen, An Antimagic Labeling in ,Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol.13(2010), No.3, pp.299-304.(EI) |
(5)Ming-ju Lee*, Chiang Lin, Wei-han Tsai, On Antimagic Labeling For Power of Cycles, ARS Combinatoria 98(2011), pp.161-165.(SCI) |
(6)Ming-ju Lee*, On super (a,1)-edge-antimagic total labelings of grids and crowns, ARS Combinatoria 104(2012),to appear.(SCI) |
(7)Ming-ju Lee, On super (a,1)-edge-antimagic total labelings of Cartesian Product graphs,Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, (2012), to appear.(EI) |
(8)Wei-Han Tsai, Ming-Ju Lee*, Chiang Lin A cycle-magic labeling and an edge-antimagic labeling of the grid, Utilitas Mathematica, (2012), to appear.(SCI) |
(9)Ming-Ju Lee*, Wei-Han Tsai, Chiang Lin, On super (a,1)-edge-antimagic total labelings of grids and crowns, Utilitas Mathematica, (2012), pp.355-366.(SCI) |
(10) Ming-Ju Lee*, Wei-Han Tsai, Chiang Lin, Super (a,1)-cycle-antimagic labeling of the grid, ARS Combinatoria, (2013) to appear.(SCI) |
(11) Ming-Ju Lee*, Chiang Lin, Lower Bound on Star Arboricities of Even Degree Crowns, Utilitas Mathematica(2013), to appear.(SCI) |
會議及研討會論文 |
(1)Hung-Chih Lee, Ming-ju Lee*, Chiang Lin, The Caterpillar Factorization of Crowns, 第25屆組合數學與計算理論研討會,April 25-26,2008,pp126-130. |
專書及譯書 |
數學I,李明茹,鍾明宏,文京出版社, ISBN 978-986-150-204-5 |
數學II,李明茹,鍾明宏,文京出版社, ISBN 978-986-150-557-2 |
任教科目 |
數學I |
研究計畫 |
國科會 |
圖的尤拉圈長98-2115-M-407-001- |
98/8~99/7 |
國科會 |
迴圈冪圖之完全點魔術標號99-2115-M-407-001- |
99/8~100/7 |
國科會 |
圈魔圖100-2115-M-407-001- |
100/8~101/7 |